Posts Tagged ‘Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman’

The conclusion of the Democratic National Convention this evening in Philadelphia will mark the end of a highly-impactful 40-day convention cycle for the professional speaking industry. The Republican and Democratic National Conventions are bellwether events for the speaker bureau industry. Executives from the large Washington, D.C. and New York-based speaker bureaus will attend both of these conventions in order to position themselves as candidates to “sign” governmental officials at the highest executive branch levels to speaking contracts after leaving office,  identify the emerging party leaders (See Bill Clinton DNC Speech 1988 and Barrack Obama in 2004), and solidify relationships with existing media clients.

However, these two conventions really only have a business-impact on a small portion of the speaker bureau industry. The real convention of significance to 90% of the world’s speaker bureaus was NSAThe National Speakers Association – Influence 2016, held from July 23-26, 2016 at the JW Marriott in Phoenix, Arizona. The National Speakers Association is a professional speakers organization that supports the pursuit of public speaking as a business. Among the 3,500 NSA members are some of the best and most in-demand speakers, consultants, coaches, and trainers in the world. Being selected by your peers to speak on the main stage for this organization is a prestigious and important designation. Frankly, to be featured as a General Session speaker at this meeting means you are the best of the best. This year, The Speaker Experts were not surprised to see these four speakers up on the NSA Main Stage:


Waldo Waldman: Former Combat Pilot, Businessman, and Authority on Leadership Sales. Author of Never Fly Solo.


Scott Stratten: Disruptive and UN-traditional Sales, Marketing and Branding Expert. Host of UnPodcast










Roger Crawford: Disabled Tennis Champion. Author of Playing from the Heart and How High Can You Bounce?


Connie Podesta: Actress, Playwright, Counselor, Comedian, and Author of 10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd










The links provided above will take you to each speaker’s website, where you can view streaming video and gather background information. A note of caution: while these four speakers are among the world’s elite, they are not the right fit for every organization and desired outcome. The Speaker Experts suggest you consult your preferred IASB member speaker bureau to determine if they are a candidate for your organization.


The world of professional speaking is a complex and multi-tiered industry. Three conventions took place within the last 40 days that will have tremendous impact on this trade over the years to come. Obviously, the RNC and DNC are huge media events, whose ultimate outcome have dramatic and lasting effects on our daily lives, but it just might be the NSA Convention that has the most impact on the world of professional speaking.

Gary McManis & Jay Conklin


This week the Washington DC area will play host to one of the year’s most important events to the speaking industry: the National Speakers Association Annual Meeting, Influence 2015. NSA is a professional speaker organization that supports the pursuit of the commercial public speaking industry. The organization is relevant to our conversation as many of the speakers highlighted on this site jump-started their careers with the help and guidance of the NSA. Our posting last week covered the 10 most booked corporate and association speakers. While not everyone agreed with our selections, it is tough to argue that the 10 speakers listed are not among the most popular on the speaking circuit. Of course it is easy to look back at a 12 month period and analyze what happened but the real challenge is to look down the road and predict what will happen over the course of the next 12 months. The great hockey player Wayne Gretzky calls this “….skating to where the puck is going to be…”

Listed below are 10 speakers you should have your eye on over the next 12 months. These speakers are already some of the most popular on the circuit – based on market inertia, their work with the NSA and other industry happenings, we feel they are all candidates to make the list of the 10 most booked next year:









Our final speaker to look out for over the next 12 months is a symbolic selection that just will not look good on a baseball card: Mt. Everest.


While speakers who use the mountain as a metaphor for success in business and life have always been popular on the professional speaking circuit, we feel the interest in Everest-related speakers will peak with the September 25th release of “Everest”. The film stars Jason Clarke, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robin Wright, and Josh Brolin, and is based on Jon Krakauer’s best selling book Into Thin Air. Look for speakers who share their experience on Everest to be in high demand over the next year.

Closing Thoughts:
No one goes from being a fresh face on the circuit to speaking at 100 meetings during the course of a year – the speakers listed above are already among the most popular and on the circuit. The Speaker Experts feel that based on the previously listed criteria, they are the names to watch out for on next year’s 10 most booked speakers list.

Gary McManis & Jay Conklin